

Massachusetts Broadside Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Each year, thousands of motorcyclists are injured on the road. Due to the lack of protection they have when compared to a car driver, motorcyclists are much more likely to sustain serious injuries or die in a collision. Unfortunately, broadside motorcycle accidents can be particularly damaging to the impacted rider.

If you’ve been injured in a T-bone motorcycle accident in Massachusetts, you are likely facing high medical bills and a long recovery period. However, if your accident was caused by the recklessness or negligence of another driver, you may deserve compensation for your injuries. The key is to acquire strong, compassionate legal representatives who will fight wholeheartedly for your rights.

Kiley Law Group is what you need. Our founder, Tom Kiley, Sr., is a motorcycle enthusiast himself. Tom and the whole team are passionate about protecting motorcyclists and their rights to enjoy this hobby safely. If your broadside motorcycle accident has negatively affected your life, we can fight for the compensation you deserve in order to get you back on your feet. Contact us today for a free consultation about your case.

What Are Broadside Collisions?

Broadside collisions, also known as T-bone accidents, are one of many types of motor vehicle accidents where one vehicle runs into another traveling in front, one usually striking the side of the other on the front end. Whether a car collides with the side of a motorcycle passing in front of them or a rider runs into the side of a car, the rider can be thrown from the motorcycle and severely injured, being left with a severely damaged motorcycle to boot.

Broadside collisions can be caused by several different traffic situations. For example, if a driver runs a red light, the oncoming traffic with the right of way may not see the other vehicle in time and may proceed to run into the side of it, thereby T-boning them. Additionally, in unmarked intersections, one driver may fail to yield the right of way to the driver passing in front, leading to a T-bone collision.

T-bone and broadside collisions often result in catastrophic injury to motorcyclists. If the rider survives, he or she likely faces life-changing injuries and hefty medical costs over some period of time. At Kiley Law Group, we have extensive experience in helping victims of motorcycle accidents. We want to help you to pursue the justice you deserve in your Massachusetts broadside collision case.

We Are the Attorneys Who Know Motorcycles

The founder of Kiley Law Group law firm, Tom Kiley, Sr. has been a motorcycle enthusiast for even longer than he’s been a personal injury lawyer. He bought his first Harley-Davidson in 1975 and has since traveled thousands of miles and been to countless motorcycle events for more than 20 years.

Tom loves the freedom and the feeling of adventure that every motorcycle ride brings. He’s had his share of successful rides, but he has also been left with injuries at times. He knows what it feels like to have your feeling of exhilaration torn away in one moment where everything changes. Even with the highest standards of motorcycle safety, accidents can’t always be avoided.

Tom remains passionate about helping fellow riders to fight for their rights after suffering a motorbike accident at the hands of careless drivers. Over the last 40 years, he has represented over 1,000 motorcyclists and their families. The accident attorneys at Kiley Law Group are honored to be able to serve clients throughout Massachusetts, meeting the motorcycle community’s personal injury needs.

Common Injuries in T-Bone Accidents

Due to the direction that the vehicles are traveling upon impact in broadside collisions, the risks can be especially high for the motorcyclist. Often, the rider will end up being tipped over or thrown off the motorcycle, veritably suffering severe injuries.

It’s common to see the following injuries in a Massachusetts broadside collision:

If you or your loved one has suffered one or more of the above injuries, or another condition, after being involved in a broadside motorbike accident in Massachusetts, you may deserve compensation for your injuries as well as your pain and suffering. There are several ways in which you can increase your odds of compensation recovery. Please read the next section for more details.

What To Do in the Aftermath of a Broadside Motorcycle Accident

After any motorbike accident, the first step should always be to call 911 and receive medical care. Give the necessary information to the police but without saying that the accident was in any way your fault. Also, be sure to exchange insurance and contact information with the other driver. It’s vital to try to collect witness information as well. Take photos of the scene and your injuries if you can.

The time immediately after an accident can be very overwhelming and may feel chaotic, so it’s important that you try to remain calm. Going through those steps and gathering all pertinent information can greatly help your possible personal injury case in the future. It’s also important to remember that you should be careful when speaking with any insurance companies.

Once you have received medical treatment, what’s next? The next most vital post-accident step is to seek legal advice from the qualified Massachusetts or Boston motorcycle accident lawyers at Kiley Law Group. A knowledgeable attorney with experience in motorcycle cases will be able to give you an idea of what your case could be worth and help you to know which insurance offers are too low.

At Kiley Law Group, we urge you to call us to schedule your free consultation as soon as possible after your broadside motorbike accident. We understand the challenges you face as you try to recover physically and financially from a motorcycle accident. We will listen to you and explain to you your legal options. And if we do take on your case, we will stand proud to fight for the rights of you and your loved ones, no matter who in your family was the motorcycle accident victim.

How Kiley Law Group Can Help You After a Broadside Accident

After a motorbike accident, particularly a T-bone or broadside one, the motorcyclist may be facing severe injuries, high medical bills, lost time from work, property loss, and daunting insurance paperwork. However, you don’t have to face these challenges alone. In fact, finding an experienced and empathetic Massachusetts motorcycle accident lawyer can be the first step towards your overall recovery.

At Kiley Law Group, the founder of our law firm, Tom Kiley, Sr., is passionate about the rights of motorcyclists, being a rider himself. When we take on your case, you can rest assured that your claim or lawsuit will receive the full attention that it deserves.

After a motorcycle accident caused by another person’s negligent or reckless actions, you are understandably very upset. If your family member was wrongfully killed in a motorcycle accident, we know you must be facing an immense sense of loss on top of the injustice.

We want to help, and we have the experience to back up that desire. For more than 40 years, we have represented victims and their families after motorcycle accidents, and we’re here to help you too.

You can look at us as more than just your legal advisors. We can be your guide, or even part of your family, always ready to lend an ear and a helping hand. You will be treated as family by us, from the first free initial consultation and throughout the legal process – every step of the way until you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

Let Kiley Law Group be your first phone call, for free legal advice at no risk to you. We offer free consultations and we work on a contingency-fee basis, so why hesitate? Call us today at 888-516-2459 for your free consultation with one of our knowledgeable Massachusetts motorcycle accident lawyers. 

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